Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The $15 Question: Who The Hell Are You?

by xuberalles

Do Americans, excluding the Marxist in the White House, actually believe private enterprise is obligated to share or "redistribute" their profits with the public; albeit paid employees, the unemployed or complete strangers? If I have a job and my neighbor doesn’t, or God forbid I make more money, am I obligated to give this person a percentage of my income? Is “Bob” going to give me his money if I lose my job and become homeless? Hell no! People open businesses to make money…period! It’s not rocket science or a Right-Wing conspiracy. It’s called risk, work, reward! If a business or an individual is concerned about economic inequality - wants to donate a percentage of their profits or income to charity – that’s their personal choice. No one…not the government, politicians or celebrities…has the right to tell you how to allocate your own property. Otherwise, these offended activists can open their own establishment, dig deep into their own pockets, and doll out every last dollar to whomever their baroque hearts desire. These smug hypocrites will single out Corporate America as capitalist marauders, the purveyors of the poor, yet they make no mention of entertainers, actors, and athletes who command astronomical salaries by fleecing struggling Americans with outrageous ticket and merchandising prices. But that’s not capitalism, right? Right?
Capitalism may be the convenient scapegoat of socialists who want to ensure your impoverished dependence on Big Government, but it is by far the most synonymous with liberty, opportunity and prosperity. In a market economy, the only limits or chains one must shed is that of their own device. If the armies of entitlement are going to orchestrate public demonstrations and demand $15-an-hour jobs for unskilled, fast food workers, perhaps they should start by buying their members a mirror. There are construction grunts who bust their ass everyday and don’t make that much money. If you truly want a better job - build a thriving business from scratch - educate yourself, learn a trade, or gain valuable experience by working your way up the proverbial ladder; anything besides standing on a corner and bemoaning your “woe is me” Facebook status. No one is forcing you to live in poverty or to work at McDonald’s. That, my friend, is entirely your own decision. Just don’t make me pay $12 for a Big Mac because you refuse to accept what every American already knows: life is unfair, there are no magic rainbows and no one owes you except yourself! In other words, just like two centuries of Americans before you, get off your ass and make it happen. Until then, your check is most definitely not in the mail!
