Sunday, May 4, 2014

C-Span’s Benghazi Omerta Day 2.

Omerta - A rule or code that prohibits speaking or divulging information about certain activities, especially the activities of a criminal organization.

That old mafia term certainly applies to the general media blackout of all things that could impossibly affect the public aura of Obama.   I haven’t bothered to determine when the House of Representatives last announced the formation of a special committee to investigate the executive branch, but it is without question a newsworthy event, unless one is part of the outer ring of Obama’s defense, part of the hometown political cabal that will defend him at all costs. That is the unspoken purpose of C-Span’s daily “Washington Journal,” probably the last Leftist call-in show with any ratings. Yesterday on Day 1, the morning after the special investigative committee announcement, this video journal of America’s capital city asked viewers, “What is your view of the death penalty?” Today’s Special Committee Avoiding question is, “Your View on the Beltway Culture.” Omerta. It is past time to Freep, and Freep heavily, C-Span. Do it. There are two phone lines:
Independents: 202-585-3882
Republicans: 202-585-3881.
