Friday, April 18, 2014

"If I were the devil."

If I were the devil…If I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness, and I would know in the darkest recesses of my blackened heart that I have succeeded.
I’ve subverted the churches, first with a campaign of whispers, then with an outright assault, using the crimes of a few to impugn the many, until I had convinced the masses that religion was corrupt, that its teachings were outdated, that its message was one of hatred and bigotry.
With the wisdom of a serpent, I whispered to you as I whispered to Eve: “Do as you please, and feel safe knowing that the doctrine of moral relativism has replaced any notion of absolute right and wrong.
The bearing of false witness is good politics, covetousness is encouraged every commercial break, adultery is a way of life, and even murder is a woman’s choice.
To the young, I whispered that the Bible is a myth, and then shouted through a thousand movies and a million television shows that science has killed religion, man is destroying the planet and that the only salvation is subservience to government’s will.
What’s bad is good, abstinence isn’t possible, sex at 12 is acceptable, and generations of children having children without a thought as to how to raise them is the goal, because now they belong to me.
I have taught you all to pray, “Our Father, which art in Washington, subsistence is thy name. Give us this day our daily bread, and rent, and utilities, and health care, and cell phones and deliver us now into dependence so that those leading us into the temptation of complacency might stay in power.”
And to challenge that power is racist, to defy that authority is intolerance, to refuse to bend to its will is bigotry; accusations that I weaponized so readily that I stripped you of your ability to recognize real racism, or intolerance, or bigotry.
And I’ve gotten organized. Authors now write bondage pornography in fifty shades, movies without enough gore are ignored, and grand theft auto isn’t a crime, but a game. I presented a call of duty to kill, to maim, to live vicariously through the depths of depravity.
And even when they tried to tell the story of the Bible, I filtered it through my lens, tinting it with the vestige of political correctness so that even the story of Noah made no mention of God.
I pedaled narcotics to the streets, then hooked the rich on the pills that led them to the streets for the same high. Addiction is pain relief and alcoholism is a culture.
Families were at war with themselves until I destroyed the family and replaced it with the hand of government, and I had that government mesmerize an adoring media with empty promises of hope and change.
I encourage the schools not to refine young intellects, but to massage young egos, to replace learning with cultural enrichment, to ensure that knowledge is replaced by a common core of ideological nonsense that equips young minds for nothing but dependence on me.
I evicted God from the schoolhouse, from the courthouse, from the halls of Congress and I called anyone who dared to speak his name a zealot, but praised and elevated those who worship at the altar of self-satisfaction.
I replaced the meaning of Christmas with stampedes of greed on Black Friday and replaced Easter with spring in every mention, from break to bunny, so that its message was all but forgotten.
I took from those who have, gave to those who could help me most politically, and called it stimulus for all. I would set liberation from work as the end, government handouts as the means, and I drove millions from the workforce into my embrace.
Freedom now means free lunch, free love, and free benefits subsidized by the working whom I vilified as predatory capitalists. Patriotism is embarrassing, the American flag can be a symbol of hate, marriage is whatever I say it is, and if you speak up or speak out, I will monitor you, scrutinize you, target you, and demonize you.
In other words, if I were the Devil, I would feel pretty good about all the bad I’ve done.

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