Sunday, December 1, 2013

Obama Lies (documented)

Politico ^ | 11/30/2013 | GiantMess 

1 "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" - LIE
2 "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your healthcare plan, period" - LIE
3 "If you like your current insurance, you can keep your current insurance" = LIE
4 "Nobody is changing what you got if you're happy with it" - LIE
5 "Premiums will be reduced by $2,500" - LIE
6 "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our Deficits, either now, or in the future" LIE
7 "Nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or doctor you have" - LIE
8 "The plan I'm proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years" - LIE
9 "It will not effect Medicare coverage" - LIE
10 "It's not about putting government in charge of your health insurance" - LIE
11 "It will not impose a single new burden on small businesses" - LIE
12 "It will reduce our deficit by $4 trillion dollars - LIE
13 "Cannot be denied for preexisting conditions" - LIE (enrollments are now rationed)
14 "Guarantees coverage for every American" - LIE
15. "We've turned the corner." - LIE
16. "Shovel ready jobs." - LIE
17. "I'll close Gitmo my 1st year in office." - LIE
18. "I'll not sleep till the Benghazi perps are prosecuted." - LIE
19. "I learned of the IRS abuse in the press." - LIE
20. "The most transparent admin in history." - LIE
