Sunday, December 8, 2013

How can newspapers be saved? First, fire the journalists. ^ | Nov 22, 2013 | Bruce Deitrick Price 

Newspapers are losing circulation and advertising revenue. Many old-time publications are going out of business.
There’s no question that selling newspapers has gotten more difficult because of the Internet. Fifty years ago people settled down for an hour every day with their newspapers. That pattern is disappearing.
Equally, there is no question that newspapers have made their situation worse. They insist on being politically correct, liberal, progressive, or whatever you want to say. What they don’t insist on doing is telling the facts and letting readers think for themselves. Perish that thought
The problem across America is that the so-called mainstream media is not mainstream at all. It’s liberal media, and they produce a predictable, flat, boring product consisting of roughly 85% politically correct views mixed with a scattering of 15% non-politically correct views. And that’s on an adventurous day.
There used to be people called reporters who would knock down doors to get a story. We don’t have those people anymore. Now we have political operatives called journalists. They are trained to package and manipulate the news, not to report the news.
On a day (Oct. 9, 2013) when Obama’s approval rating dropped to 37% (which is the real story), liberal media were screaming that the public’s approval of Congress had dropped to 20%. But that second statistic is almost meaningless. A big block of people are mad at Congress for opposing Obama. But probably a similar number are mad at Congress for NOT opposing Obama. So why would any self-respecting journalist emphasize the 20% number and ignore the 37% number? Because they are journalists.
The Far-left (a.k.a. “Commies”) always try to seize control of education and media. They do a great job of seizing control. So now a degree in journalism means a degree in progressive ideology...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
