Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Sad, Slow Economic Decline of the American Family ^ | November 6, 2013 | RightWingPatriot

My mother and father taught me some important lessons in my life. One of them was to not to pay attention to what someone is saying, but rather pay attention to what they are doing and the consequences of their actions. Never has this lesson been more evident in taking stock of the economic policies of Obama and the progressive liberals who seek to transform America from an individualistic, capitalistic society to a collective, socially democrat one. We hear on the news every day that the economy is improving, people are going back to work, and that the dark days of the "Bush Recession" is over. Yet those of us who actually use our noggins to think logically and rationally can see that the true situation is far different. Our country continues to slide deeper and deeper into an economic quagmire and if someone in the media actually says something to show that, it's immediately pounced upon and the same old tired trope of blaming Bush is rolled out. It's incredibly frustrating to see the economic situation grow more dire, yet our elected officials in Washington continue to double down on the same policies that are crippling our economy. The simple fact is that the American family is in deep trouble.
As Andrew Breitbart would say, here are some hate facts to get you thinking. The median income of the average household today is $52,100 (I wish that my household even came close to that number) and the media spins that as a tremendous accomplishment. However, this is a decrease from the median income in 2009 ($54,500 when Obama took office) and in 2007 ($55,500) as the recession began. While some may say that a few thousand isn't a deal breaker, that doesn't factor in the higher costs that the American family has to pay today. A gallon of gasoline cost $1.84 in 2009, but due to Obama's anti-energy policies, a gallon of gas today goes for $3.65. This also impacts food prices as everything needs to be transported. Food goes up an average of 2-3% per year, with 2011 having an increase of 4.8%.
Now the American family has to contend with the onrushing train wreck of ObamaCare. Estimates for the program's cost over ten years is at $2.6 trillion, putting hard-working taxpayers on the hook. Then factor in the number of jobs being cut by employers or having hours cut back to under 30 into the equation. Now mix in the fact that at least 3.5 million people have had their health insurance cancelled and that the average rise in costs to a family of four is $7,500 per year. As the numbers point out, the American family isn't even treading water. They're going under with the weight of bloated government spending and insane economic policies dragging them down.
I've heard many defenders of Obama say that he's doing the best he can in an unfortunate time. We've all been told that he and the progressive liberals care about the hard-working middle class. Yet the evidence of their actions say otherwise. I can understand making one or two foolish decisions, but the fact that Obama and his allies just continually double-down on policies that have shown great harm to the country leaves me with one inescapable fact: that all this is deliberate. What else can you say when there are almost 50 million Americans living in poverty? What about the vast increase of people on food stamps in the last few years, with an almost 48 million on them currently? Now factor in that the federal government is taking over health care in this country. The fact is that progressive liberals have nothing but utter contempt for normal people. They believe us to be ignorant, uneducated, and too stupid to make our own choices in our lives. We need the benevolent and wise hand of government to shepherd us children through life. Freedom of choice? Individual liberty? The US Constitution? All passé relics from a quaint, antiquated time that has no relevance on today's society. Expect the economic situation to grow more dire if conservatives don't take back Congress in 2014 and if an Obama-like candidate is elected in 2016. I feel sorry for our children who are born with a tremendous debt of $1.5 million dollars today.
