Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Obama’s Cold War with Republicans

POLITISITE ^ | Colonel Steven B. Vitali USMC (Ret)

The nation is engulfed in an internal Cold War as Obama navigates America into a failing European Socialist State. Obama battles and offers no quarter to conservatives, the last bastion of citizens whose traditional views of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights are affront to the progressive view of the US Constitution as a living, changing document.
For five years, Obama has bullied the Republican establishment into submission. Conservative patriots, aghast at our Republican leaders’ readiness to cave to Obama’s demands and provocations, have made their voices heard in Congress. Americans are outraged at Obama’s end runs around Congress and his irresponsibility as Chief Law Enforcement Officer in not carrying out the enforcement of all federal laws, not only the laws he agrees on.
Americans are becoming disillusioned with Congress and Obama. The poignant words of Patrick Henry come to mind: “Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?” After five long years of paralysis, the answer is no. We must stand and fight.
Pushing back against a deluge of establishment criticism, House conservatives remain united and are standing determined to force Obama into negotiations. The “Power of the Purse” resides constitutionally in the House of Representatives and refrains a President running ramrod over another co-equal branch of government.
After failing to defund Obamacare, the Republican controlled House offered bills to delay Obamacare for a year and to ensure Congress was not exempted from Obamacare requirements. Illegally, the government will now subsidize Congressmen and their staffs. Obama and Senator Reid would not consider any modifications to a clean Continuing Resolution (CR). The House began sending over individual appropriation bills to the Senate, as was the prior practice for a couple hundred years, but the Senate, under Reid, tabled the bills and would not allow the Senate to vote on them. Instead, Reid demanded that all 12 appropriation bills be consolidated and voted on without amendments.
Both Senator Reid and President Obama not only refused to negotiate with the House, but using vitriol, they branded Republicans as blackmailers, extortionist, and terrorists. Of course the lapdog liberal media parroted every talking point they made accusing the Republicans. The gulf between the two spheres of ideological governance is beyond reproach. The government stands in a partial (17%) shutdown, and the two sides have decided to make their stand as the next fiscal obstacle embraces them on 17 Oct, the nation’s “Debt Limit.”
In keeping with Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals, Obama stokes fear and anxiety in order to create perceived crises to advance his revolutionary, progressive agenda. Obama, aided by his cronies, are utilizing the government shutdown to inflict maximum pain on the American public and to arouse, anger and blame the Republican Congressional members. Obama’s actions are not in keeping with the solemnity and reverence of the esteem Presidential office. Obama’s broad smile and calm voice cloaks an arrogant and failure as a Presidential leader.
The country’s “Debt Limit” stands at close to $17 trillion dollars, yet Obama demands from Congress an open “credit card” without exception to continue his failed fiscal policies. The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, tipped his hat by instructing his House colleagues that he would not let the nation default. If needed, Boehner would break the House Hastert Rule, and allow a majority of Democrat votes with a few Republican votes to pass a Debt Limit bill.
President Obama is confident that in the 11th hour, Boehner will succumb and Obama will be crowned victorious while severely damaging the prospects of House Republicans retaining control in the 2014 midterm election. That said, even during the shutdown, government takes in billions of dollars in revenue. A default occurs if you cannot pay the interest on the debt. $250 billion tax revenues are sufficient to pay off the approximate $30 billion in interest and to allow government to prioritize payments for other essential services.
The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution forbids the government to default. Advocates of Obama argue that he can declare the 14th Amendment and arbitrarily raise the debt limit himself. Many rightly believe that Obama, having created a crisis, will invoke the 14th Amendment and raise the debt limit. The US Constitution does not grant Obama that authority, and Obama would create an unwise Constitutional crisis if he does so. Again, the “Power of the Purse” constitutionally resides in the House and not with a President.
Any Presidential accumulation and control of the nation’s purse would cause irrevocable consequences of the US Constitutional concept of co-equal branches of government drafted by our forefathers. Any irrational and imprudent move by Obama to arbitrarily raise the debt limit would be repudiated by a Supreme Court that would invalidate any of Obama’s unconstitutional actions as a result. In addition, the abuse of Presidential power would force the House of Representatives to draft Articles of Impeachment against the President.
The answer for the restoration of civility and governance for all America lies in the ability of Obama, Reid, and Boehner to faithfully negotiate and deliver a serious compromise addressing and correcting our spiraling out of control debt as practiced by statesmen throughout our nation’s history.
Our country cannot afford Obama’s uncontrollable spending beyond our taxable resources. Our political leaders owe it to future generations of Americans to refrain from Obama’s suicidal spending strategy. As for Obamacare, the, “you will have to wait to pass it before you can know what’s in it,” law remains a dagger in the heart of economic growth, individual liberty, and limited government.
Unfortunately, this writer believes that during the Debt Limit negotiations, Obama will give a bone to Speaker Boehner, who will then declare victory while surrendering the meat of the bone to Obama. Tic Toc, Tic Toc. The clock is running and so is the nation’s uncontrollable debt!
