Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome to Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy! (THIS AIN'T NO SHIT!)           Welcome to Barack Obama Male 
             Leadership Academy!
Welcome to our website for the 2012-2013 school year of Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy at BF Darrell.  As you peruse the site, we seek to inform and educate each of you about all of the exciting and enjoyable events taking place at our campus. While visiting our site you should find valuable information about the campus; including our programs, policies, procedures, and important dates throughout the year.
Our campus motto is “The School of Today for Tomorrow’s Leaders”. Our campus mission is "to develop young men into impactful leaders through the development of their intellectual, moral, physical, social and emotional skills for the global society of tomorrow." The holistic development of our students as sound young men will become sound men. We, the faculty, staff, student body, families and community supporters of BOMLA; will continue to redefine and reimage the expectations of our young men who are destined to be the future leaders of the world.
We are “The School of Today for Tomorrow’s Leaders” and our focus is to equip our young men with the life, academic and 21st century skills for success in life beyond the walls of our campus. Thank You for entrusting your son to our care. We look forward to serving you all for what will be an even more exhilarating school year than last.  Thank you for visiting our site and please contact us if you have any additional questions or would like to request a tour of the campus.
Respectfully yours,

Nakia Douglas, Principal
