Monday, August 19, 2013

Rewriting History with movie "The Butler"! ^ | August 19, 2013 | RightWingPatriot

Progressive liberals can never win in the arena of ideas so they choose to fight in a different battleground, popular culture. Why deal with pesky facts that your ideology has never worked and only led to misery and death for millions of people? To the progressive mind, if you can't beat your enemy, then change the very fabric of his culture. By doing so, you'll lose many a battle, but you'll win the war. This is why progressives have taken over Hollywood and education.
Sadly, many people today gain their knowledge through tv, movies, and the internet. True education has been replaced with indoctrination. The result is an ignorant public who then takes as gospel by what they see on the silver screen. Progressives know most people will never crack open a history text or read a biography, but they do know that people will take to heart the lies fed to them in the movies.
This reworking of our American history has been going on for decades. Our Founding Fathers are no longer pure. The American government conspires to kill its own president and to oppress those not in power. Most young people think that they saw the truth when they watched Oliver Stone's JFK. You can show them facts and figures showing how the movie was almost pure fantasy, but that makes no impact on their reasoning. Hollywood works overtime (probably with union breaks) to make strong Presidents weak in the eyes of the public and anti-American terrorists are really freedom fighters.
The latest example of this dreck is The Butler, starring Forest Whitaker and Oprah Winfrey. The movie goes to great lengths to distort the facts and rewrite history as it pertains to liberals and conservatives. The movie contends that the butler, Eugene Allen, disliked Reagan and that Reagan was totally against punishing South Africa for apartheid. The truth is far different. Allen has expressed admiration for Reagan and has a picture of the Reagans in his living room. When Allen retired, Nancy Reagan gave him a warm hug. As for South Africa, Reagan was opposed to sanctions not because he was anti-black, but chose to do so because South Africa was the only country on the continent that was anti-communist. Reagan wanted to use a softer approach to push South Africa towards freedom with a minimal loss of life. History has shown that Reagan was right. However, in the movie, they show it differently with Alan Rickman (portraying Reagan) wondering if he was on the wrong side of history.
The Butler also rewrites the actions of Democrats during the Civil Rights struggle. It shows both President Kennedy and Johnson rallying for civil rights but neglects to show that Democrats voted 80 percent against the Civil Rights Act. In the real world, Republicans were the ones who pushed the Civil Rights Act through, but in the eyes of The Butler, they're all racist. The movie portrays Nixon as courting the black vote purely for political reasons but fails to mention that Nixon had an exemplary record of pushing school integration.
The Butler does its best to show America as evil with absolution only coming with the inauguration of Obama. The movie depicts Eugene Allen's father being murdered and his mother raped by a white man. Funny thing is that such events never happened. However, this is no big deal to progressive liberals. They're not interested in telling truth but in distorting history to suit their own ends. They fully believe in the mantra that if you keep repeating the life enough, it eventually becomes the truth. Hooray for Hollywood.
