Sunday, January 13, 2013

Permission Granted

Personal | January 12, 2013 | 41Thunder

I posted a letter a short while back that I sent to my State Senators and Congresswoman. I've received several email requests for permission to use the text. Therefore to all: Permission Granted! Stay united and defend the Second Amendment. Here's the text of the letter.

The Honorable *insert name*
The Honorable *insert name*
The Honorable *insert name*

Washington, DC.

Subject: Pending Federal Gun Control Legislation

The Second Amendment of the US Constitution clearly establishes the limits of the Government concerning gun control. It was established by our founding fathers to give “We the People” an equal footing with the Government should our Government ever become tyrannical. We are at, or very near that point today.

I, as an American citizen, will not be disarmed! I will not give up my guns to the Government. I will not surrender my Rights to an out of control, despotic government, whose agenda is the destruction of this great nation as we once knew it.

The killings at Sandy Hook by a lunatic were tragic, but it pales in comparison to the murder of more than 3000 children per day to government sanctioned abortion. It pales in comparison to the number of innocent people that were killed in Mexico due to Operation Fast & Furious. It pales in comparison to Waco and Ruby Ridge. Our Government is complicit to murder in the first degree, willful and mindful of the very facts.

I urge you to consider carefully your actions in the forthcoming deliberations on the new Assault Weapons Ban. Magazines, clips, flash suppressors, thumbhole grips, folding stocks, night vision sites, lasers and lights do not make a firearm dangerous. A firearm is no more dangerous than a screwdriver. In the hands of a deranged human being, they are both deadly weapons.

Remember these four words as you cast your votes, “Shall Not Be Infringed”.

