Monday, January 7, 2013

Left convinced Americans will not fight for 2nd Amendment rights

Coach is Right ^ | 1/7/13 | Doug Book

Once cowed at the thought of provoking 2nd Amendment supporters, leftists will soon attempt to ban “assault weapons” (and much more) as legislation offered by Diane Feinstein makes its way to the Senate floor. It seems that DC liberals have finally become convinced that American gun owners are too cowardly, too lazy or too dependent upon the financial "generosity" of Big Brother to fight for their 2nd Amendment rights.
During the past 4 years, the gun banning left have watched as American buyers broke sales records in the purchase of semi-automatic rifles. Opting for these and other powerful, efficient weapons it is estimated that some 100 million private citizens are now in possession of over 300 million firearms. And these numbers continue to grow with each passing month.
Yet it’s against this backdrop of America’s determination to assert the fundamental permanence of 2nd Amendment guarantees that Diane Feinstein, Michael Bloomberg, Barack Obama and others will choose to implement gun bans, demand the federal registration of...
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