Thursday, December 13, 2012

We Have a Problem -- A Real Problem

Townhall ^ | 12/13/2012 | Neal Boortz

No .. I’m not talking about the fiscal cliff, nor am I talking about the almost $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities we face as a nation. Iran and a nuke? Yeah .. that’s serious all right, but I’m told that we are messin’ with Iran right now in ways that you couldn’t even imagine – ways that could derail their nuclear plans for some time to come. Is the real problem our sagging economy? An oncoming second recession? The growth of government dependency? Sure … all of those are problems and all are difficult to deal with … but they pale in insignificance to the problem I’m bringing up here.
I think that it is truly time for us – those of us capable of thinking clearly and, perhaps, just a bit outside the box – to consider the possibility that somehow we have found ourselves with a president who is not all there.

Yes...a real problem. It was as plain as the nose on your face when he was running for President. His past was a big problem even though the media would not talk about it...Ex-ACLU lawyer-problem, Chicago style politics-problem, Member of church whose preacher spewed hatred of America-problem, Friend of radicals who wanted to overthrow the government-problem, trashes Constitution-problem, bails out companies with taxpayer dollars who in turn fund his agenda-problem, Runs up highest debt in U.S. history-problem, Supports fraudulent election practices-problem...just to name a few so called "problems" with Obama.

No Founder guaranteed a rational electorate. We are faced with the worst president in the history of the republic who was known as such when he was re-elected. The solutions fall into two categories. Endure him, hope the damage is repairable and wait him out or insurrection, rebellion and revolution. I have no advice. By that I mean I am not advising caution or patience.
