Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why is Obama getting away with the Susan Rice distraction?

 by reaganator

A sitting President of the United States not only failed to attempt a rescue of four Americans who were tortured, sodomized and murdered in Benghazi, Lybia he did nothing even though the military was staged and ready to act.

 Here's the plan; "We'll send UN Ambassador Susan Rice out to promote the false fact that this attack on America occurred because of a spontaneous demonstration, we have an election to win and we've been touting our success and the defeat of our enemies. When the true facts come out later, we'll leak that we are considering nominating Susan Rice for Secretary of State. The news talk will then be all about this and not about the impeachable offense of the intentional nondefense of an American Ambassador and 3 other Americans.

We specifically picked Susan Rice for this because she is black and a woman so we can play up the "attacking a black woman" theme, this will keep them talking for a long time about Susan Rice and not about Obama's nonaction in Lybia in defense of Americans."
