Thursday, November 1, 2012

It is going to really suck if Obama loses. Here is why!

by MNDude

It is going to REALLY REALLY suck if Obama loses this election next week! But not for us, but for the liberals. This loss will be much more painful than any Presidential election we have known. And this why:

Just think about how depressed you may have felt when McCain, Dole, or Bush Sr. lost the election. But seriously, did any of you have any great love for any those three? In fact, most of us probably think some of them are kind of dorks.

Likewise, liberals were very sad when Kerry, Gore, and Dukakis lost, but again, were any of them greatly loved?
Now we are talking about Baraq Obama. The family man, the black man, the white man, the Muslim, and the homosexual all rolled up in one. He is the winner of the Nobel Peace prize, the man that children sang mmmm mmmm mmm about, and schools were named after him. Four years ago, women were fainting, stadiums were filled with tens of thousands of followers, and he was considered a Messiah to many. This is the man that would turn our dirty energy based economy into a green energy based utopia. Nations would now love us, and it would be cool to be an American at a European cocktail party. He is bringing healthcare to all, punishing those smug capitalists for their greed, and forcing the haters to embrace alternative lifestyles or pay dearly.
We actually can't even comprehend what it will be like to have such a loss. Try to imagine how much you love Ronald Reagan, multiply that by 5000, and then imagine him losing his second election. They LOVE LOVE LOVE Baraq Obama!
Yes, the name George W Bush is stained, but if Baraq Obama loses this election, he can never even be considered to be in the same league of him or other two term Presidents. No, the liberals know he will not be compared to Ronald Reagan, FDR, Bill Clinton, or even George W Bush. Rather his name will appear along with Jimmy Carter, Bush Senior, and Hubert Hoover. He will no longer any chance to be remembered as a messiah, but rather as a schmuck. S-C-H-M-U-C-K. SCHMUCK!
To make it even worse, his Obama's lovers know how sweet it will be to those that detest him to see him lose. Yes, the will gloat and gloat and gloat for decades to come. If you want to post a nasty comment about conservatives on a CNN story, you risk getting a gloating response about your fallen Messiah. Forty years from now, the conservatives will relish to say "The worst economy since Baraq Obama".
The despair and devastation that will be experienced by Sandra Fluke, Soledad Obrien, Ed Schultz, Candy Crowley, Michael Moore, Chris Matthew, and those disrespectful people that make comments on news stories at will be collosal. That is why it is going to totally suck if Baraq Obama loses.
