Sunday, November 4, 2012

Historic, unprecedented depravity ^ | 11/3/2012 | Michael Oberndorf

Barack Hussein Obama has once more done things that are, as the Fifth Column Media used to love to call them, historic and unprecedented. This time, however, most of the Fifth Column traitors are trying to cover them up, rather than ram 'em down our throats. I speak, of course, of the unmitigated horror show in Benghazi and the subsequent cover-up by Obama and his administration.

As most conservatives, and even a few leftist Democrats now know, the slaughter of our Libyan diplomatic personnel on September 11, 2012, was completely avoidable. I repeat, completely avoidable, Unlike the deaths of American government employees resulting from Obama and Eric Holder's Fast and Furious gun running scheme, Obama and the lackeys responsible can't claim they couldn't foresee the outcome. In Fast and Furious they figured the guns would just be used to kill Mexicans, so, no problema! But Benghazi is something entirely different.

In spite to the massive efforts to hide and distort the facts by the White House and their running dogs in the Fifth Column Media, the truth regarding the actions of Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, and others is finally seeing the light of day. And what we are seeing marks the administration's actions as some of the blackest, most twistedly evil deeds ever perpetrated by people in the American government. They are being called by many traitorous, and murder.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
