Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Obama Owns the Tax Increases!

 by sr4402

After Obama extended the Bush tax cuts for 2012, he now owns the Federal tax increase in 2013. 

But not only that, but he lowered the Social Security taxes for 2012, but has not for 2013, so he owns that increase as well. Beyond even that, he added costly rules to America health insurance, that of free surgery (Sterilizations) increasing Health Insurance Premiums even further.

So President Obama (and the Senate Democrats) own the 50% Federal tax increase on the working poor and the 30% Social Security tax increase upon all Americans. It goes without saying that he owns the increased Healthcare Insurance premiums from what he admitted in the last presidential debates as "Obamacare".

But the real question is whether Americans will recognize this before the election and punish him and the Democrats for it.
