Friday, October 5, 2012

It’s October Obama is still shoring up his Negro base and he’s leading? ^ | Kevin “Coach” Collins

Barack Obama is losing support in the African American community over the issue of Gay “marriage.” The proof of this is that here, in October Obama’s team is busy shoring up support within their African American base. On May 7, Obama “evolved” again and announced that he supported Gay “marriage.”
Immediately he and his handlers recognized that selling out the loyalty of his Black base for contributions from Gay donors would be significant. Because they are irreligious, (Democrats don’t understand people of faith) they didn’t know how significant.
They were caught completely by surprise when Black ministers like Rev. William Owens demanded a White House meeting with Obama over the Gay “marriage” issue. They were denied and to a small but important percentage of the African American community this was an outrage and an insult.
Two polls done immediately after Obama’s reversal, one in North Carolina, one in Georgia sent the shocking news that 20% of African Americans were ready to vote for Mitt Romney!
A late August poll done in Michigan revealed 23% of Blacks Michiganders are ready to vote for Romney. Of course these polls were either attacked as outliers ignored or mocked by a sycophantic media.
Nevertheless, evidently the Obama campaign has been listening very carefully to those who were saying he has a problem with sagging African American support. Now Obama’s minions are hitting Black churches talking drivel about the KKK 1965 Voting Right Act.
Obama’s people are openly campaigning inside churches in violation of federal tax laws; but hey they’re the Democrats; laws mean nothing to them.
Anyone who tries to say Obama’s last minute pandering to African Americans is insignificant has no concept of the power of religion or how much trouble he is in with his base.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
