Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hillary Clinton... Resign, Then Go Cave-Diving Sans Tank

Market-Ticker ^ | 2012-10-16 | Karl Denninger

Yeah? Where's your resignation Hitlery?

Let's cut the crap -- the Administration didn't "suggest" that the attack was "spontaneous", it not only outright made the bald claim but in addition spat all over the First Amendment at the same time, arguing that there is something wrong with offensive speech.
It later became clear that the Administration knew damn well that this was an organized military act (duh; that was obvious to anyone who bothered to pay any attention at all!) essentially immediately and that there was never any question as to motivation.
It happens to be damned convenient that now Hitlery wants to "take responsibility" (well, kinda, much like the Rose Law firm, right?) but she continues to maintain that she wasn't really sure what was going on and neither was anyone else.
This, however, does not pass the smell test. Simply put if you're not sure you don't go making declarative statements about what happened and you sure as hell don't take a whiz on The Constitution for good measure.
That happens when you've got a pre-determined outcome you're looking for (like, for instance, destroying The First Amendment) along with covering up your own malfeasance and misfeasance. Then you would deflect attention, much like this Administration has done repeatedly ("Fast and Furious" anyone?) irrespective of the fact that these diversions and games have repeatedly led to loss of life.
Clinton needs to resign. And once she has done so, I recommend she take up cave diving for a new recreational pursuit. Since she fashions herself some sort of demigod she can demonstrate her godliness by doing so without an air tank.
(Excerpt) Read more at market-ticker.org ...
