Friday, October 5, 2012

Chris (Tingles) Matthews Hysterical Meltdown Mirrors Mainstream Media Panic

True Conservatives on Twitter ^ | October 5, 2012

Bias: Their ideological champion having been verbally undressed by a competent challenger, the tingles that used to run up the legs of the mainstream media have been replaced by the mother of all anxiety attacks.
Perhaps Clint Eastwood's chair would have given a better and less-wooden debate performance than President Obama did Wednesday in Denver, site of his coronation in 2008 amid faux Greek columns and with a full set of TelePrompters loaded with slogans on hope and change.
As GOP challenger Mitt Romney masterfully and relentlessly pummeled an emperor revealed to have no clothes with incontrovertible facts and figures on the most dismal four-year record in presidential history, no greater evidence of buyer's remorse was found than in the studios of MSNBC and in the person of Chris Matthews.
There were no tingles running up Matthews' leg as Romney pulled back the curtain to reveal Obama was no wizard, but a charlatan. His ballistic response to Romney's verbal waterboarding of the empty suit to his left confirmed the observation of ABC's Jake Tapper that the media were in the tank for Obama in 2008 and are again. The fourth estate has been Obama's fifth column.
