Sunday, September 16, 2012

Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining!

Mr. President, there is an old saying that, while a bit crude, is wholly appropriate for what is going on: Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

Most people are reasonably intelligent and have enough common sense to look at a situation and see what is really going on, but it has become a habit of yours and of those around you to try and tell us we aren’t seeing what we think we’re seeing. For instance, we look around us and see a once great economy failing rapidly, people all around us struggling and looking for work, factories and businesses closing, record numbers of people on food stamps, gas and food prices skyrocketing; and yet you and your lackeys tell us the economy is recovering and despite what we know to be true, we’re better off because of your policies.

We’ve watched you and your family jet around the world taking expensive vacations, we’ve witnessed the frequency of your golf games, appearances on Letterman, the constant fund raising events, and then we’re told you have a “laser-like focus” on job creation. Sir, when was the last time you met with your jobs council? You claim to have created 4 million new jobs, so then why are 23 million Americans either unemployed or under-employed?

We have watched with disgust you worldwide apology tour, gritted our teeth as you tried to tried to cozy up to our enemies, felt shame as you insulted and turned your back on our closest allies, yet you tell us you are proud of your foreign policy record. You joined with Al Qaeda in overthrowing the governments of Egypt and Libya, helping a known terrorist organization seize control of Egypt as they were publicly calling for war with Israel, and you seem surprised that the Middle East is now on fire.

Sir, our embassies have been over run, one of our ambassadors and two other Americans killed, the flag of Al Qaeda has been raised over our embassy in Tunisia while our flag is being burned on streets around the world, people are carrying signs that say “we hate America” and chanting “Death to America”, and your Press Secretary goes on television like Baghdad Bob claiming that these acts of violence are not directed at the United States.

Over and over your policies have failed, people are suffering and even dying because of your inability or unwillingness to lead this country and the best you can do is to tell us things are better than they seem. When someone does have the gumption to call you on it, you blame it on someone else. Mr. President, George Bush lives in Texas now; it is you that occupies the White House.

An election is going to take place in November. As that event approaches you and your campaign staff are doing your best to convince us that Mitt Romney is evil because of his wealth and that despite the misery our country is in, you deserve four more years in office. 

Mr. Obama forgive me if I don’t stand still while you tell me it’s time for you to switch legs.
