Friday, August 10, 2012

The Hypocrisy That Is Barack Obama

Political Realities ^ | 08/10/12 | LD Jackson

There are some things that are just so obvious, they can not be ignored. One of those things is the complete and utter hypocrisy of Barack Obama. Obviously, the man wants a second term in the White House, and make no mistake, he is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. Lie about his record? Check! Lie about Mitt Romney's record? Check! Be a hypocrite? Check!
The latest examples of his hypocrisy comes after his Super Pac published the now-debunked ad accusing Mitt Romney of causing the death of Joe Soptic's wife. The ad was so blatantly false, even the liberal media called them on the carpet for it. The Obama campaign lied about their involvement with Joe Soptic and then tried to distance themselves from the ad, while still endorsing the basic premise. His hypocrisy is on full display, even when they try to tell the truth.
(The Daily Caller) President Barack Obama‘s campaign resorted to truth-telling Aug. 9 as it sought to calm the uproar caused by its support for a controversial attack ad that suggested Gov. Mitt Romney had caused a person’s death by cancer. Spokeswoman Jan Psaki admitted Aug. 9 that Obama’s campaign had used misleading comments from Joe Soptic, a former union organizer at GST Steel, after she had denied any connection to Soptic.
However, Obama’s aide, Psaki, tried to go on the offensive.
She told reporters Aug. 9 that Romney should be put through the same media wringer. because one of several anti-Obama super PAC had broadcast ads questioning the president’s birth in Hawaii.
“No one is asking the Romney campaign about that ad and what they think about that ad. So as we talk about apples and oranges, that’s the apples-to-apples comparison I’ll leave you with,” Psaki said.
Caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar of lies, their basic defense is "they do it to"? You would think they could come up with something better than that, but they are limited by their hypocrisy. Such limitation is why we have the latest from Barack Obama himself, campaigning in Colorado.
(Real Clear Politics) And over the next three months, you will see more negative ads, more money spent than you’ve ever seen in your life. I mean, these Super PACs, these guys are writing $10 million checks and giving them to Mr. Romney’s supporters. And basically, they all have just the same argument. They all say the same thing. They say the economy is bad and it’s Obama’s fault.
Barack Obama HypocriteNot only is Barack Obama a hypocrite, he is also a whiner. Does he not realize how hypocritical that statement sounds? Over and over, we hear him complaining about Super Pacs. Or at least, he complains about the Super Pacs that are supporting Mitt Romney. He seems to forget some of them are on his side. He complains how much money is being spent on negative advertising and tries to lay the blame for that directly at the feet of these Super Pacs, and of Mitt Romney. It seems all he does is complain about the money that is being spent against him, but fails to mention he is outspending his opponent. Can you imagine how he is going to sound when Mitt Romney is able to start spending some of the money he has raised over the past several months? Throughout his first three years in office, Barack Obama has touted his transparency as President. No more lobbyists in the White House. An open and transparent administration. No more special interest money. All of these are things he said he would do and he has failed on all counts. Were we to count the ways his administration has been dishonest with the American people, we would be here all morning. No more lobbyists in the White House, but he meets them off the record. Open and transparent? Fast and Furious, anyone?
The point is simple. Barack Obama is a hypocrite and he has lied repeatedly to the American people. No amount of money spent, or sugar-coated over the truth will change that fact. The only thing he can be trusted to do is to lie and manipulate the truth, in order to win a second term in office. I shudder to think what that may mean to America.
