Friday, August 10, 2012

Cher Denounces Caucasians Again! ^ | 08/09/2012 | Dave Blount

Liberals take hypocrisy so far over the top, it almost seems deliberate. For example, if they aren’t attacking their betters for being racists, then it’s for being white — despite the moonbats usually being white themselves.

Note that Cher, who is several decades past the expiration date for sleazy pop stars in fishnets, also ridicules countermoonbats for being old.

Well-heeled elitist moonbats like Cher emulate their Moonbat Messiah in denouncing “the rich” — by which they must mean the despised middle class. They are quick to characterize their opponents as bigots, but even quicker to spew bigotry at Christians and particularly Mormons, as when Cher drags out the threadbare “magic underwear” gibes.

If they take their cartoonish projection any further, they’ll start accusing conservatives of vulgarity.

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