Thursday, August 2, 2012

A liberal who actually gets it: if things don’t get better Obama won’t win in spite of Romney! ^ | August 2, 2012 | Derrick Hollenbeck, staff writer

Jeff Greenfield is a good media liberal. His credentials are in order. He is also a “political reporter” so he has to write positive things about Barack Obama’s chances for reelection, but he can’t quite get there.
Greenfield’s latest column is about the dismal numbers Obama faces at every turn and it is also about how who Obama is running against might not mean anything on Election Day.
Undoubtedly with a great deal of pain Greenfield notes that the numbers staring Obama in the face are such that no incumbent president has ever/could ever overcome them.
He cites the unemployment rate being stuck at 8 per cent “for months” – he couldn’t bring himself to tell the truth and say “for years” (42 straight months); he says a 1.5% GDP means a “very close” election. Next he goes to the right track/ wrong track sentiment voters have which is 32.7/60.7 to the wrong track.
Incumbents he says need at least a 35% positive to win. The consumer confidence level is at 60% – Greenfield points out that Jimmy Carter had a 65% when he lost in a landslide in 1980.
Of course he avoids talking about the huge enthusiasm gap Gallup has reported that shows Republican enthusiasm to vote up 16 points and Democrat eagerness to vote down 22 points since 2008. He must have seen these numbers because he cited Gallup’s right track/wrong track numbers.
He also skipped the fact that Black ministers are so furious with Obama over his Gay marriage support that they are calling him Judas and telling their congregations not to vote for Obama. Nevertheless, he is a liberal so we can’t expect very much truth from him…….
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
