Monday, July 2, 2012

Why Obama Keeps An Enemies List

Western Journalism ^ | June 30, 2012 | Floyd and Mary Beth Brown

When the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly Strassel exposed the fact that the Obama campaign is keeping an enemies list and spending vital resources attacking Romney supporters, many liberals gasped in surprise. Richard Nixon and Senator Joseph McCarthy kept lists of names to be targeted, but Obama keeping an enemies list? They just couldn’t understand it.

To understand it, you need to understand the abiding constant in the Obama political philosophy. In an America used to political expediency, the media and pundit class are having trouble coming to terms with the guiding philosophy of Obama.

To understand why Barack Obama attacks his enemies with unbridled viciousness, you have to come to terms with his true allegiance. Obama is committed to only one objective. He desires to move America to socialism, and he will sacrifice himself to make progress in the dialectic struggle of history. At his core, Barack Obama isn’t a Christian or a Muslim. He isn’t a pacifist. He isn’t even a lightweight over his head. At his core, Barack Obama is a Socialist. Marxism is his religion.
Marxists have always been comfortable with using any means to keep and increase the power of the centralized state. Barack Obama is committed to using all the force of government and coercion to achieve his goals.
This is why he threatens institutions such as the Supreme Court and treats the Republican House of Representatives as if they don’t even exist. He isn’t interested in compromise or coexistence with his opponents; he is committed to destroying them.
This is why when Washington rejects his political priorities, he just dictates them through executive order. Don’t enforce the Defense of Marriage Act. Don’t enforce our immigration laws. Congress defeats his cap and trade legislation, so he tells the EPA to write the new regulations by edict. He is comfortable acting on his own, ignoring the US Constitution’s old fashioned limits to executive power.
Obama has been bathed in Marxist philosophy his entire life. He was brought up in a home with a Marxist/atheist mother. He was mentored by a black nationalist Communist in Hawaii named Frank Marshall Davis. He was trained as a community organizer to employ the Marxist tactics of Saul Alinsky. He attended a church for 20 years headed by a black nationalist who despises capitalism and western civilization.
He was a member of the “New Party” when he ran for the state senate in Illinois back in the mid-1990s. He denies this, but there are photos. The New Party was a group of leftists dedicated to destroying the free enterprise system and converting our country into a European Socialist welfare state.
Back in 1964, America faced a similar time for choosing, and Ronald Reagan traveled the country on behalf of Barry Goldwater, who was then seeking the presidency. Reagan gave a speech called “A Time for Choosing”, and it became a classic tract, joining the great speeches that have defined the American experience.
In this speech, Reagan issued a challenge that again confronts us, that again can guide us in selecting our next president and charting our nation’s course from here:
This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves…
A government can’t control the economy without controlling people. And they know when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. They also knew, those Founding Fathers, that outside of its legitimate functions, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector of the economy.
Once again, it is a time for choosing.
