Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Success: Why United States is different than any other!country

 by indianyogi

A alternative perspective to President's beliefs:

Every country on earth has some kind of government. Every country taxes its people. Every country has smart people and not so smart people. Every country has roads.

Individuals in every country can thank their teachers and mentors for believing in them.

The question is, Why then, not every country has progressed like the United States in the last 150 years? Of course not counting the last 5 years.

The answer is simple. It is the Constitution of the United states and the beauty of small government and all those other positive attributes like individual responsibility that only this country encourages.

And for this reason, this country more than any other country on the earth offer entrepreneurs opportunities, a drive to be creative and take personal and financial risks so one day they can achieve success.
