Monday, July 30, 2012

In Case You Missed It

A new poll shows that 83% of Americans support the work requirement for welfare that President Obama just gutted. In other news, Obama's popularity just rose 83% among welfare recipients.

Nancy Pelosi advised her fellow Democrats, "I'm not encouraging members to go to the convention." Apparently, neither is Obama's job performance.

In a recent radio interview, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said "nobody's success can be credited just to themselves." Any failures, however - that was all just Bush, right?

A group of California cities is studying whether to track drivers by GPS and tax them on the number of miles they drive. I'm guessing most of the mileage will be one way - out of the state.

In a fundraising email, President Obama noted that in 2008, "I had significantly fewer gray hairs than I do today." As did most everyone who's watched you handle the economy.

During a recent press conference, House Speaker John Boehner said that when it comes to jobs, "this White House has checked out." And like most out-of-control celebrities, he trashed the room first.

Senate Democrats announced that they're pushing for a HUGE raise in the death tax next year. Guess they figure it'll make a nice bookend to Obamacare taxing you just for being alive.

A new report shows sales of pro-Obama merchandise have dropped drastically since 2008. Pity his presidency didn't have the same effect on unemployment, gas prices, and foreclosures.

An Obama 2012 ad aimed at rural America features the line "we can succeed here just like we can in the big city." So... he wants to limit milk to 16 oz. glasses?

Democrat Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro said that Congress ought to look at imposing a federal tax on soda pop. Sure. Then when sales plummet, a penalty for people who don't buy it.

The Obama administration's new plan to grant temporary work permits to illegals may cost more than $585 million and require hiring hundreds of new federal employees. See? It's not amnesty, it's a jobs program.

Discussing his economic policies at a fundraiser in Oakland, California, President Obama told supporters that "we tried our plan - and it worked." So... he wrecked the economy on purpose?

Due to the added burden of new EPA regulations, two Pennsylvania coal companies announced they're laying off 225 employees. Well, they can always get jobs with solar companies as bankruptcy lawyers.

In California, TSA workers are now expanding out of airports and into train stations and bus terminals. Well, thank goodness. About time someone made a serious effort to get the wheelchair-granny menace under control.

Speaking in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden told the crowd, "I wish my kids would become wealthy." Don't tell Obama, but I think that's Joe's way of saying he's voting Republican this year.

The New York Times posted another huge loss this quarter. Hope they stay afloat. What a terrible world it'd be without them - all those untrained puppies.

-- Fred Thompson
