Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Rose by Another Name (ObamaCare)! ^ | July 26, 2012 | Scott Rohter

The Penalty in the Affordable Care Act is Still a Penalty, No Matter What they Call It -Words Have Meanings Mr. Roberts!

It is my belief that we should continue to call the punishment in the new Health Care Law for not carrying insurance what it really is. It is a penalty for not purchasing health insurance! Let’s not give in to the pressure from the media to start calling it a tax now, just because John Roberts called it a tax. Let’s face it. The punishment in the Affordable Care Act is a penalty no matter what the Chief Justice calls it. It is still a penalty no matter what the media says! It is a government ordered fine for not carrying the mandated health insurance. A fine is not a tax! Well at least it isn’t in my world anyway. It is a punishment that is attached to a specific undesirable action or behavior which is regulated by law. Americans have never had a law before that required us to buy health insurance! That is at least we didn’t until the Democratic controlled Congress passed such a law in 2010, which ordered all Americans to either purchase health insurance or pay a fine. It is called the Affordable Care Act. Actually the full name of the law is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It requires all Americans to carry health insurance, but it doesn’t guarantee that any American will ever receive the necessary medical treatment that they need, or the health care they seek. It doesn’t protect Americans in any way. The name of the Bill is a misnomer, like so many other things in our world today. However it does provide big health insurance companies with a captive market!
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