Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weak mainstream media coverage of Fast and Furious

Washington Times ^ | June 22, 2012 | Dennis Jamison

Why are the American people only now becoming aware of something that has been going on for almost two years. Why has it taken two years for the main stream media to really question, to drill for the answers to an event that took the lives of hundreds of Mexican nationals and American border patrol agent Brian Terry.

NBC, ABC, The New York Times, and The Washington Post have committed what Catholics would call the sin of omission- they failed in their coverage of this intense drama.

when Treyvon Martin was shot the media jumped all over the incident. Americans were given no rest over the various news outlets covering the issue, covering Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson on scene, how it was racially motivated, how Obama weighed in on it and on into a frenzy of media coverage over the boy’s death.
But when it came to Brian Terry the coverage seems scarce.
Why are so many Americans clueless about the details of the Brian Terry murder?
A few of those inconvenient details that Americans are clueless about is the fact that around 300 Mexican civilians were killed with the guns the ATF “top-guns” unleashed upon the Mexican public.
Why does Martin matter and Terry does not? New York Times’ motto says it all: “All the news that fit to print.” What is means now is that if genuine news does not fit into their politically correct viewpoint of the world, it is not fit to print.
Today such glaring hypocrisy in most major media corporations is not only dishonest and disingenuous, it is downright disgusting and an insult to genuine journalism. More than that, it is an insult to the American people.
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