Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Silver Lining: Mitt Romney just won the election.

As a guy who's been unemployed for a few months, I've made a habit of looking for silver linings in the darkness. Folks, there is some good news to this monstrosity: now Romney's path to the White House is pretty much assured.

Up until today, Obama had one issue that was haunting him: the economy. He could blame the GOP for not doing being "bipartisan"...a charge that has always made me nauseous. But as of today, Obama's got to defend a policy that the majority of American people don't like. And he can't blame the Republicans for this - they didn't vote for it.

Guess what? Obama just raised taxes on the middle class. How did that work out for George H. Bush? The Democrats, as we all know, are not the party of the middle class. The debt now exceeds the GDP. The higher it goes, the greater pressures there will be to raise taxes on the middle class.
Romney can point out that with another four years of Obama, more taxes will be coming. Does anyone doubt that this administration will raise taxes on energy through cap and trade? And given this man's fondness for issuing executive orders, why let a little bump in the road like Congress get in the way of what he wants?
Now, like many of you, Mitt Romney was not my first choice. I hated Romneycare. On the other hand, there is a difference between what a state can do, and what the federal government can do - it's clearly explained in the Constitution. And I do think Romney has been clear on this point: that the current FCA is an overreach of federal power. Romney has vowed to repeal this - and I think with a Senate majority, he can do so, just like the Democrats did when they forced this on the American people.
