Friday, June 1, 2012

The Language of Deception

Flopping Aces ^ | 06-01-12 | Paul Acosta

Ex KGB defector and university professor Yuri Bezmenov once said, “It is worth noting that the stated goal of the communist dialect is to nudge people from the truth a little bit at a time, until they are so convinced of false realities, that they are no longer capable of discerning the truth even when they see it in front of their own eyes.”
The left’s Orwellian usage of language is so scientifically deceptive, that most of us have friends or family members, who although otherwise reasonable, have been so profoundly nudged from the truth, that no amount of evidence in the world will ever dislodge them from their false realities.
As masters of deception, the left knows how to lure many well intentioned individuals by professing to seek a more humane world, where many of our Judeo/Christian values will be realized.
My father used to say “the left uses great truths, to implement great lies”.
Through the manipulative use of language, the left invokes sentiments that are impossible for well-intentioned human beings to oppose, if not aware of the context in which they are used. Who can possibly be against change, equality, liberty, freedom, justice, fairness, growth, compassion and compromise? These words summon positive feelings in most of us, and it is precisely why they are systematically invoked to nudge us from the truth. A quick analysis of the context in which these words are exploited, should help to illustrate this point.
When the left talks about change, they are talking about structural changes, the centralization of resources, the usurping of private property, the reorganization of most aspects of societies, and the placing of all reins of power in the hands of small groups of self-professed master minds. These alleged elitists believe themselves more capable of making better decisions on behalf of all of us, than we ourselves could if left to our own devices. This is essential in understanding who they are.
Change does not mean personal or societal development, unlike religion; they do not seek to conquer men’s hearts. Their ends justify their means, and so they are content with enforcing their objectives through coercion, which is why their road to Utopia, like the proverbial apple of Paradise, leads to Hell on earth instead.
The left’s most important tenet, the one upon which their entire philosophy revolves, is aimed at destroying the disparity of wealth within a society. Therefore when they talk about equality, they are not talking about the principles upon which our great nation was founded, such as equal rights and opportunities for everyone alike, it is not enough that we may be created equal, to them we must also have equality of results, regardless of effort, contribution or ability. What better example than the Affirmative Action law, to illustrate their approach to resolving society’s ills? The legalization of prejudice is their solution to prejudice itself. They are perfectly comfortable promoting individuals based on their race and or origin, as opposed to their achievements, or the content of their character, as Dr. King had once hoped.
