Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pain At The Pump And Pain At The Checkout Line

IBD Editorials ^ | April 18, 2012
Energy: The effect of restricting domestic oil production isn't limited to gas prices. Petroleum is used to make or move everything we buy. So a higher price amounts to an unconscionable tax on middle and working classes.
Pump prices are now more than $2 higher than they were when President Obama took office. For a middle-class family that fills up, say, two cars with 15-gallon gas tanks each week, that amounts to an extra $3,100 a year — no small expense.
But it's not just the price of filling up the family cars that's getting harder to afford. From the clothes on your back to the shoes on your feet to that backpack for junior, rising oil prices made worse by restricted domestic supply have affected the cost of far more things than we realize.
When the railroads and trucks that deliver food to the supermarket pay more for diesel fuel, the added cost shows up when you pay for your groceries at checkout. Look in your closet and you'll find clothing made from petroleum-based fibers, including rayon, nylon and polyester. Look beneath your feet and you'll see petroleum-based carpeting and flooring.
Petroleum is used in agriculture to make fertilizers and pesticides, to run the tractors, threshers and other farm equipment used to raise our food. That food must also be transported via fossil fuel-consuming trucks and trains.
The average retail price for one pound of 100% ground beef was $2.36 in January 2009 — the month Obama was sworn in as president. As of last December, that price had risen to $2.92 — a 23.7% increase.
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