Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not only is Barack Obama a liar but he is a coward.

Neal's Nuze ^ | 4-11-12 | Neal Boortz
Not only is Barack Obama a liar but he is a coward. Yes, I will continue to call the Oval Occupier a liar so long as he insists on this asinine concept that the rich aren’t paying their fair share.
And I will also throw in the word “coward” because his focus on the evil rich and the Buffett Rule is two-fold: It is a distraction from the true failures of his presidency and it demonstrates his unwillingness to reform our “broken” tax code.
His own administration admits that it is “broken.” So their solution is the call for taxes on millionaires? If that was the fix to our behemoth tax code, then people wouldn’t be spending millions of dollars trying to come up with ideas on how to fix it.
If Barack Obama was truly concerned about America’s future he would cut this crap about “fairness” and the Buffett Rule and tackle entitlement reform and tax reform. But those aren’t sexy subjects when you have a re-election campaign to win.
Yes, Dear Ruler’s speech in Florida yesterday was every bit as absurd as you would expect.
Obama says, "Do we want to keep giving tax breaks to folks like me who don't need them? .... Or do we want to keep investing in those things that keep our economy growing and keep us secure?" There’s that “secure” word again. Obama believes that government is the only source of “security” for Americans. “Investing” is just a fancy way of saying “spend more to grow the size of government.”
And don’t forget that magic word “need.” Obama really loves to talk about all of these evil people trying to keep money they don’t “need.” Just remember who first popularized this little saying. It was a guy named Karl Marx. No .. not from The Communist Manifesto (though Obama borrows from that as well), it’s from a Marx writing titled “Critique of the Gotha Program.” Here’s the full quote; notice how it starts out:
In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!
This is Obama’s governing principle. If you need something the government will provide it to you. If you have more than you need it is the government’s purpose to take it from you and give it to the people who do need it. Obama’s philosophy is stated in the opening seven words of Marx’ quote.
Obama also says, "What drags down our entire economy is the growing gap between the ultra-rich and everyone else.” Yeah .. those successful, innovative, hard working entrepreneurs are really dragging down our economy. The fact is, when you divide our economy into five segments, with the rich on one end, the poor on the other, and the middle class in the center, the numbers show that the people in the lower brackets are actually moving up. The higher income brackets are getting larger, the lower income brackets shrinking. Hmmmmm.
What drags down our economy, Dear Ruler? Parasites. It’s the parasites, leaches and moochers that are dragging down our economy with their incessant demands for more and more of someone else’s money. Our economy is also being dragged down by your penchant for hyper-regulation. The costs of just the regulations thrown at our economy during your junta is in the billions of dollars. Gas prices? Now there’s something with a negative affect on our economy – and your solution? Well, somehow you think that if you raise taxes on the evil oil companies gas prices will come down. That’s economic demagoguery, and it’s dragging down our economy as well.
The achievers are dragging down nothing.
The fact is that raising taxes on the rich is also a tax increase on job creators who pay taxes through individual tax returns. The money that Obama so emphatically insists on taking is money that could otherwise be spent on investing in news businesses or expanding existing ones with equipment or employees. This will do nothing but slow job growth. A recent study from Obama’s own Treasury Department shows that 90% of businesses that pay taxes through the individual income tax code and employ workers would pay the higher taxes under Obama’s plan.
In the grand scheme of government spending, how much money are we talking about from this Buffett Rule? In terms of debt reduction, it would reduce the debt in Obama’s budget by about 1 ½%. Or another way to think about it … asking every federal agency and department to get by with 99% of what it received last year would generate six times the savings of the Buffett Rule.

Obama is trying to define this race in November. He wants the Buffett Rule to act as a sort of Litmus Test, distinguishing those who buy into his horsesqueeze from those who refuse to step in it. Don’t let Obama define the parameters of this election.

The election needs to be about his failures and the future of freedom in this country … not about “fairness” and the evil rich.
